Monday, 4 May 2009

This is Earth Newspaper Online

Currently planning is under way for a new blog, which will be designed to act as an online newspaper for the whole of Earth. The newspaper blog will be a 100% fictional and will be based around the Doctor Whoniverse. The Newspaper will be called, 'This is Earth', following a similar pattern to other newspapers.

The paper will work by giving a summary of DW episodes, but they will be put in a newspaper style. The blog will not be updated as often as this blog, but will be updated after doctor who episodes. The blog will be parteners with this blog and is designed to give you a different way of reading doctor who information.

I would like to say a big thank you for visiting this blog and I hope to increase the visitors to this blog, by making it more interesting. Please give me your feedback by leaving a comment here or by emailing me at Again thank you for visiting this blog.

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